Support for Snugg Pro is fast, easy and free.
Support Hours
All hours are in Mountain Time
Monday thru Thursday: 8 AM to 6 PM
βFriday: 8 AM to 5 PM
Closed for lunch 1 PM to 2 PM Mtn Time
Support is closed on the following holidays
New Year's Day
Presidents Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veterans Day
National Election Day
Thanksgiving Day & Friday after
Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day
You can contact support in one of two ways:
Live Chat with us
Choose live chat to ask question and get a fast response.
Email Snugg Pro:
Choose email to send a question or request. You may send an email request at any time, we spot check this after hours and weekends.
While you are in the Snugg Pro app, simply click on the Support Button from the left sidebar to display the support options.