Snugg Pro offers extensive geo-referenced databases which load for each job (with just zip code and age of home input) improving analysis accuracy with reducing audit time:
Weather Databases
Three weather databases are provided and are used for different functions in the program:
Typical Meteorological Year (TMY): The most recent TMY data (TMY3)produced by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory) are provided for over 1,000 locations in the United States. This data is used in hourly simulations of future energy use.
30-Year Weather Normals: 30-Year Weather Normals are provided by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) for 5,556 stations. Standard HDDs and CDDs are provided, as well as daily average temperatures which are used to compute variable base heating degree and cooling degree days.
Current Weather: Current weather data drawn from the NCDC Quality Controlled Data (QCD) for over 1,000 sites are available in monthly downloadable files from the OptiMiser website. These data are used in utility calibration by comparing the heating and cooling degree days to utility bills during the same period to calibrate the base temperature for heating and cooling degree days.
Other Databases
Regional and age specific default housing characteristics (NREL and LBL)
National emissions per kWh database by utility (eGrid, EIA, EPA, CARMA)
National city/state/zip cross-referencing
IECC 2006 standards based on climate zone (IECC)
Natural gas, fuel oil, and propane price by state (EIA)
Electricity prices by utility (EIA + geo-referencing)
National database of improvement costs and specifications (National Residential Efficiency Measures Database, NREL)
Regional comparable average home energy consumption (Residential Energy Consumption Survey, RECS)
EnergyStar certified appliance tables (EnergyStar)