Snugg Pro has launched the new DOE Uniform Energy Factor (UEF) for Hot Water Heaters.
The new UEF rating will show on the Snugg Pro app along with the old EF rating to keep things as simple as possible for our users. It is not necessary to convert the old EF to the new UEF, just use the toggle buttons to indicate which factor that you are using.
Simply enter the EF from the old water heater on the base, and leave the improved UEF blank if you have not yet chosen a new model with the new rating.
Water Heater Key Product Criteria
Efficiency and performance for ENERGY STAR certified water heaters may be evaluated using two different methods. A water heater can be certified as ENERGY STAR by meeting Energy Factor (EF), Standby Loss, and/or Thermal Efficiency criteria or by meeting Uniform Energy Factor (UEF) criteria. Although these performance metrics are different, certification as ENERGY STAR by either method requires equivalent efficiency. Consumers should not directly compare EF values to UEF values.
A note about accessing UEF data:
The UEF field is accessible in the CSV file as well as via the API in the GET /jobs/{jobId}/dhws endpoint. See API documentation for more details.