With IRA and other SEO rebates and incentives programs, Snugg Pro is pleased to introduce a new feature that will support incentives configured to meet your program's specific requirements.
This is a premium feature available to programs only at this time. Please contact your Program Success Manager for more information.
Once your program has this feature enabled, the first step is to configure the incentives. You must be a program admin to configure incentives.
Incentive Source Configuration
Incentive Source
The Incentive Source is a way to group incentives for a specific rebate program (e.g., HEAR). It sets the maximum rebate amount allowed per job. If the maximum rebate amount varies within the same incentive program, consider creating separate Incentive Sources for each variation.
To set up the Incentive Source:
Go to Settings, click Your Programs
Select the program you want to update
Click on the Incentives tab
Click the Add incentive source button.
Set the Max amount per job. Users will not be allowed to exceed the maximum for this incentive source. For example, here the source incentive Max amount is $16,000, but the user has selected incentives totaling $26,000:
Click Create
Incentive Template Creation
Once you have your Incentive Source set up, you are ready to start adding incentive templates that can be used in a job.
To create an Incentive Template:
Go to Settings, click on Your Programs
Select the program you want to update
Click on the Incentives tab
Under Published Incentives, find the Incentive Source you would like to use and click '+ Add a new incentive'
Enter the Basic information about the Incentive
Enter the eligibility requirements. Note: Household Income requirement can be used to filter the incentives available when it is set in the job.
Choose the measures the incentive applies to. You can have the incentive apply to all measures or specific measures.
Enter the Calculation logic, the maximum amount for the individual incentive up to the percentage allowed. Note:
If there is a requirement for files or geotagged photos for this incentive, enter this information in the Files to Upload section.
Once everything looks good, click on 'Create Incentive'.
Publish Incentive
To make the incentive available to jobs your program, you must Publish the incentive.
To publish an Incentive:
Go to Settings, click on Your Programs
Select the program you want to update
Click on the Incentives tab
Scroll to the Unpublished Drafts section and click Publish
That's it! This incentive will now be available for jobs in the program.
Using Incentives in a Job
Once you have configured an incentive template, it is ready to be used in a job.
Click on the homeowner's name in the upper left corner, click on Edit Property Details and select the Household Income to filter on incentives that are available to their income level:
Enter property details and model the job
When you Refine and select line items, you can apply specific incentives to that measure.
Select the Measure to apply an incentive to in the Refine screen
Click on 'Add a new incentive' under the Costs section:
Use the dropdown to find applicable incentives
Click 'Add new incentive'
At the bottom of the screen, you can see a link on what measure you are applying the incentive to (for example 'Go to Insulate Attic Measure').
Use check boxes to select the line items this incentive will apply to.
Scroll to the Financials section of the screen to select the amount that will be applied to the selected measures or enter an amount:
Going back to the Refine screen, you will see the incentive has been applied to the measure:
Viewing Incentives
Once incentives have been selected for a job, they can be viewed in the following places:
Job header in the Refine screen and Incentives screens:
The incentives amount shown here are a total of all the instant rebate type incentives applied to the job. Post purchase and tax credits are not included in this amount.
There's a Potential Incentives section in the report that shows each potential incentive and the measures they are applied to. You will see the incentive requirements on the left side of screen:
b. Work order: All rebate amounts are shown on the work order. The Post Purchase, Tax Credits are displayed and the sum of the Instant Rebates are deducted from the total.
Maximizing Incentives (Stacking and Braiding)
Now that you understand the basics of configuring incentives and rebates and using them in a job, let's move on to a more advanced topic: stacking and braiding rebates.
Often, multiple rebates might be available to the homeowner, but you cannot double dip on the savings calculated. This is true for both the Home Efficiency Rebate (HER or Homes) program and the Home Electrification & Appliances Rebates (HEAR) program.
Since you can only model HER savings based on measures not incentivized by other programs, start with this one and include measures that will optimize the measure bundle to meet the HER thresholds of 20 or 35%.
Most likely you will focus on the weatherization measures for HER and heat pumps and heat pump water heaters for HEAR. The ultimate goal is to present the homeowner with the most attractive savings while meeting the rebate program requirements.
Here is a recommended method to take advantage of both program's benefits:
Choose the HER measures that will benefit most from the HER incentive program. Model it, refine it, and model again if needed. When the maximum incentive and savings for this configuration has been reached, download the HPXML for submission to SEO.
Save the job using the Snapshot feature so you can retrieve the job details and associated HPXML for this version later. Or use it to compare with other configurations to maximize results.
Select the HEAR measures to maximize the HEAR rebates. Model, refine, and model again to maximize the savings*.
Present report to Homeowner: If you are satisfied with the results, take another snapshot. Then present the report which includes all the savings from both programs to the homeowner for the best possible outcome.
*Note: The savings percentage may increase when adding the HEAR measures, potentially reaching the higher threshold for the Home Efficiency Rebate (HER). The auditor should not go back and select the higher incentive (35%) for HER, as this would inflate the savings for measures selected exclusively for HER.
For more information on IRA Home Energy rebates: IRA Home Energy rebates.