Snugg Pro notifies you of important activity via the activity feed inside a given job.
Unread activity is indicated on the jobs list as shown for 'David Michaels' below by the number 6 beside the name. He has 6 unread items in the activity feed.
Unread activity in also indicated by an badge count inside a job's header:
Understanding the job activity feed
The activity feed allows people to chat and exchange files directly inside a job. Keeping all this information in one place enables better visibility and collaboration.
This is what the activity feed looks like:
There are two types of activities in the activity feed:
1. System messages. These are posted by Snugg Bot at key points in the job's progress such as when a job ... Companies can filter activity by program and by user. Programs can filter activity by trade ally company.
Is created
Changes stage
Receives a new chat message
Receives a new file
Is first modeled for energy savings
Obtains a HEScore
Has a name or address change
Is transferred from one user to another
Changes company
2. User Messages. These include chats and files posted by colleagues (and program admins). Both of the messages are shown in the screenshot above.
Managing unread activity
It's important to note that Snugg Pro will only show you an unread activity notification if someone else triggered the activity. For example, if you created a job, you will not see an unread activity notification. The assumption is that you do not need to be notified of your own actions.
Marking activity as read
Activity is automatically marked as read when you open a job's activity feed. You can also mark as read in bulk by selecting some or all jobs from the jobs list and clicking on 'Mark as read' button in the bottom toolbar:
Manage your notifications
Customize your appearance
You can improve your appearance by adding a picture in profile. This profile photo will appear next to your name in the activity feed as shown here: